You push with your paws at the slimy walls around you. In a state of pure bliss, the only words that escapes your mouth are 'Mmmph, Lothar~'.
Your most desired dream became true, you have really been swallowed whole and alive. Lothar gives you a lovely smooch, right on your snout but through his belly. 'Just tell me when you want to get out, okay?' You can hear the relaxing heartbeat of Lothar as you feel something pressing softly on your snout. It's groaning pretty loudly all around you, and you feel the warmth of the fleshy walls against you. There you are, finally dumped inside the slimy stomach of the dragon. You see the daylight quickly fading as Lothar closes his jaws to give one last powerful gulp. You feel the strong, slobbery blue tongue of your fluffy predator pushing you firmly backwards, forcing your head to disappear inside his muscular throat, past his uvula. Well, what could go wrong ? He will just spit you out as soon as you ask for it ! Looks like that prey (maybe it was you.?!) was so happy to have the chance to win a safe trip to Lothar's comfy gut. Lothar wanted to perform some safe vore, but you know, it's something pretty risky when you have a super fast metabolism~